Adil Aurora Dywan
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Rabu, 25 November 2020
Senin, 16 November 2020
Humanism, comes from the Latin humanist which means human and ism which means flow. The purpose of the theory of humanism is to help humans identify themselves, so they are able to explore and develop their potential. indirectly it can be said as humanizing humans.
Figure theory of humanism :
A. ERIK ERIKSON Erik Erikson theory about humanism, I learnd if a person's personality develops through 8 stages.
1. Trust Vs Mistrust ( Infant 0 - 18 month )
In the infant stage aged 0-18 months, parents have an important role. If the baby feels safe and comfortable then the first person to be trusted is the parent, but if them makes a mistake that makes the baby feel scared and uncomfortable, the baby will be mistrusted.
2. Autonomy Vs Shame and Doubt ( Toddler 18 month - 3 years )
At the second stage, the child will begin to be active. Children try to learn to be independent and control over themselves. Parents have a role to provide guidance when children explore, but if the guidance is not right, such as scolding what he did, it will cause embarrassment and hesitation to do something. It will have an impact on the future growth period.
3. Initiative Vs Guilt ( Pre-school 3 - 5 years )
In the third stage, children increasingly want to play, learn, know and explore new things. At this stage, parental support will motivate children to take the initiative and set goals, but if the child is not supported, guilt will arise, they will think whether what they are doing is wrong so they do not get support.
4. Industry Vs Inferiority ( School-ager 6 - 12 years )
At this stage, the child begins to find interest and tries to develop. The child will feel confident when developing and deepening the interest he chooses if he gets recognition from the teacher and his friends, but if the child gets feedback in the form of negative responses from the teacher and his friends it will cause a sense of inferiority which results in a loss of motivation which will make him doubt his own abilities.
5. Identity Vs Role Confussion ( Adolecent 12 - 17 years )
At this fifth stage, the child enters adolescence and tries to find identity. Many teenagers today have an identity crisis, when they are still in their comfort zone they will not be able to find their identity, they will get lost and confused about who they are. But if they get out of their comfort zone, they will try and try various things to find out who they really are, they will find success.
6. Intimacy Vs Isolation ( Young Adult 18 - 30 years )
At this stage, a person already knows themselves and begins to form a relationship with other people. If this relationship is successful it will make someone happy and will lead to love, but if it does not work, then the person will feel alone so choose to isolate themselves.
7. Generativity Vs Stagnation ( Middle Age 30 - 65 years )
Someone at this stage begins to make positive changes and strive to benefit others, at this stage a person will also think about what good he can do for the next generation. When this is given a positive response by others it will increase a sense of care and feel that they are useful, but if they get a negative response, someone will feel stag because they do not find the meaning of what they are doing.
8. Ego-integrity Vs Despair ( 65 years - death )
At this stage, humans are getting old and are no longer productive. They begin to reflect on themselves about what they have done, if what they have done is in accordance with their hopes and goals then that person will feel happy at the end of their life but if otherwise they will feel sad, disappointed and even hoppeles.
Maslow put forward a theory of motivation which is arranged in stages in the form of 5 hierarchical needs levels, including:
The first and most basic needs that must be met to proceed to the next stage, namely physiological needs, these needs are in the form of eating, drinking and resting.
The second is safety need, This need applies to long-term life. This need includes a sense of security and protection from threats, discomfort, anxiety, fear, anxiety, riots, and others.
The third is need love and belonging, humans need love and belonging, whether they love themselves, their family, partners, friends and relationships in a group.
The fourth is need self-esteem, humans need self-confidence to survive. When someone is confident, he can do everything, with confidence we can gain achievement, independence, freedom and being respected by others.
The last is need self-actualization, this need can be achieved when all the previous stages have been met. This happens when all the talents, interests, and potentials that are possessed reach their peak and are able to realize them so that they come to the desire to find satisfaction in oneself.
What I got from studying the theory of humanism according to Gardner is that there are 9 types of intelligence which are commonly referred to as Multiple Intelligences. According to Gardner, everyone has a different intelligence, which is described in the following types of theories:
Theory of Value : What knowledge and skills are worthwhile for learning? What are the goals of education?
Theory of Knowledge : What is knowledge? How is it different from belief? What is a mistake? What is a lie?
Theory of Human Nature : What is a human being? How does is differ from other species? What are the limits of human potential?
Theory of Learning : What is learning? How are skills and knowledge acquired?
Theory of Transmission : Who is to teach? By what methods? What will the curriculum be?
Theory of Society : What is society? What institutions are involved in the educational process?
Theory of Opportunity : Who is to educated? Who is to be schooled?
Theory of Consensus : Why do people disagree? How is consensus achieved? Whose opinion takes precedence?
The 9 types of the multiple Intelligence theory :
1. Naturalist Intelligence, human ability to distinguish living things and sensitivity to nature.
2. Musical Intelligence, the ability to distinguish pitch, rhythm, timbre and pitch.
3. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence, the ability to use logic quickly, accurately and can solve mathematical problems.
4. Existential Intelligence, the ability to answer deep questions about human existence.
5. Interpersonal Intelligence, the ability to understand and interact effectively with others.
6. Intra-personal Intelligence, the ability to understand yourself both your thoughts and feelings of yourself so you know what your strengths and weaknesses are.
7. Linguistic Intelligence, the ability to think using words and using language to express and appreciate.
8. Spatial Intelligence, the ability to recognize 3-dimensional shapes or objects and be able to imagine them.
9. Bodily-KinestheticIntelligence, the ability to express ideas with body movements and use a variety of physical skills.
By intheskies
Senin, 28 September 2020
Different from behaviorism theory, cognitive theory is more concered with process than the result. Cognitive theory that determined by experience to form perceptions of the environment. In cognitive theory this time, I will discuss about 2 important figures who gave rise to cognitive theory.
Piaget's theory suggests that a person can learn independently from various experiences and the environment. Piaget stated that cognitive abilities can develop acording to change in age, so He uses childrens as research subjects. The learning process will occur if it follows the assimilation, accommodation, and equilibration steps ( balancing assimilation and accomodation ).
Piaget stagets of cognitive development :
a. sensorimotor stage ( 0 - 2 years )
Progress based on actions, and carried out step by step.
b. Preoperational stage ( 2 - 7 years )
use symbols or language sign, and begin to develop intuitive concept.
c. Concrete operational stage ( 7 - 11 years )
Begins to think logically
d. Formal operational stage ( 12 and Up )
children are able to think abstacly and logically by using the " posibility" thinking pattern.
so we must be able to teach children in different ways according to their age, we cannot equalize all children in just one way.
According to Vygotsky, children when learning are influenced by their parents and the surrounding community will find it easier to understand what is being taught. Vygotsky has a theory of cognitive development called the sociocultural theory.
Vygotsky stagets of cognitive development :
a. ZPD (Proximal Development Zone Concept)
The importance of the role of parents to guide children when difficulties
The level of change in support experienced by children during the learning process by teachers, parents, and peers
The use of language has an important role in explaining and communicating with children in order to know what they want to convey
From the explanation of the two theories above, it can be seen that everyone will go through a stage of cognitive development. In Piaget's theory, it is explained that everyone will have cognitive changes when they grow up according to what they learn and according to Vygotsky's theory every human being experiences cognitive changes according to what parents and the surrounding environment teaches.
Kamis, 17 September 2020
Teori Belajar Behaviorisme Menurut John B. Watson dan Arthur W. Staats "journal 2"
"Psikologi sebagai pandangan behaviorisme" adalah sebuah artikel dimana mulainya gerakan behaviorisme oleh John Watson pada tahun 1913, untuk menetapkan sejumlah asumsi yang mendasari mengenai medotologi dan analsis perilaku.
Belajar menurut Watson adalah proses interaksi antara stimulus dengan respon yang dapat diamati dan diukur. Menurut Watson adanya perubahan mental selama proses belajar dianggap sebagai faktor yang tidak perlu diperhitungkan karena tidak dapat diamati dan diukur. Watson adalah seorang behavioris murni karena kajiannya tentang belajar sejajar dengan ilmu fisika dan biologi yang sangat berorientasi pada pengalaman empirik semata yaitu dapat diukur dan diamati.
Dalam experimentnya Watson bersama Rayner melakukan percobaan pada Albert seorang bayi yang pada saat itu berusia 11 bulan dengan memberinya sebuah hadiah tikus kecil berwarna putih. Pada awalnya Albert tidak takut terhadap tikus putih itu namun dengan seiring berjalannya waktu saat Albert mencoba untuk menyentuh tikus tersebut, Watson memukul sebuah besi dengan palu sehingga membuat bunyi yang cukup keras yang membuat Albert ketakutan. Hal itu dilakukan secara berulang - ulang hingga menimbulkan ketakutan pada Albert saat melihat tikus putih meski tidak ada suara yang terdengar dari pukulan besi.
Dari hasil percobaan yang didapat, Watson dan Reynar menyimpulkan bahwa pengkondisian klasik dapat menyebabkan fobia dari bayi yang awalnya tidak takut dikondisikan menjadi takut terhadap tikus dan dia berhasil membuktikan bahwa pengkondisian dapat merubah tingkah laku seseorang secara nyata.
Rabu, 09 September 2020
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Humanism , comes from the Latin humanist which means human and ism which means flow. The purpose of the theory of humanism is to he...